Sit & Kick

Sit & Kick Podcast is a podcast hosted by two professional track and field athletes. Their purpose is to "Do Track Differently" by entertaining their audience with endless banter, advice and insight. Your Hosts: Josh Kerr is the Scottish Record Holder over 1500m and the European record holder over the mile(i). Tokyo Olympic Bronze Medalist, 2023 World Champion, 3x NCAA Champion over the mile & 1500m, and currently Dave's biggest fan! David Ribich is 3x 1500m USA Finalist, DII record holder over 1000m, member of the 4xmile WR team, author of "Small School Big Dreams" & Josh's biggest fan

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"LetsRun? How about LetsFight" with Coach Danny Mackey
Sit & Kick
November 26th, 2021

There is no coach on the professional circuit right now with more unwarranted #banter against them. This is the exact reason why the stoic young coach is one of the best coaches in the world. He blocks out the noise & focuses on the one true aspect of the sport: His athletes well being and their success. Coach Mackey in recent years has proved himself as one of the rising professional coaches in the world however Coach Mackey will never be the one to tell you, nor will the trolls behind the message boards. The ones that will tell you however are the athletes that have first hand experience being coached by Mackey in recent years. In the year of 2018 both of your hosts David Ribich & Josh Kerr signed their professional contracts to be coached by Mackey and since then, they have improved in every event they have run (similarly has everyone on the team). 

Focusing on this episode, your hosts break the barrier of athlete & coach and have a real chat with "The Gaffer" as Josh Kerr describes in the first 5 minutes. Their is tons of insight, banter and knowledge that spans every minute of this episode. With the first Top 10 requested guest securing their spot in the season we move on to #9 and hope the trend continues. Listen to this episode NOW to find out why your hosts trust Coach Mackey with their careers. 

Some #banter to look forward too:

  • Who is more coachable - Dave or Josh
  • Who is the least coachable guy you’ve ever had
  • What characteristics makes Josh way faster than Dave
  • Do you get enough credit?
  • If you had a daughter who would you rather her date - Josh or Dave
  • Why is Henry Wynne’s form so bad?
  • Who would win in a race, Josh’s ego or Dave’s therapist
  • Who is/was more talented Kerr/Symmonds
  • Most unique coaching tactic.
  • How much money did Josh’s medal earn you
  • Which one of your athletes is going to “surprise” people this year?

Coach Mackey 2021 stat:

Mens 1500m Olympic Bronze Medal 

Womens 1500m Olympic Semi Finalist 

7x Olympic Trials Finalists 

3x Top 5 finishes at the Olympic Trials: W5000m, M1500m, M800m

100% Athlete participation at their major national championships.

11 of 13 athlete PRs (not including multiple PRs or multiple events)

could beat any coach in the fighting ring

If you are just joining us at The Sit & Kick Podcast, welcome. If you are returning time & time again, welcome back. SEASON 5 IS IN FULL SWING!

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<3 J & D