Coach Bennett's Podcast

Athletes Mentioned
Episode 86. Motivation.
My motivation for this episode was you. Yes, you. You've been reaching out telling me you're losing motivation or you're afraid your motivation is lost. Well, if you're reaching out that means you still got some. And if you listen to this episode my hope is that you'l have a little more motivation to fuel what it is that you want and need to do. I could ramble on about all the different things that I go over in this episode but I think it's best if you just hit play and listen. Oh yeah, one more thing... you're not alone.
Coach Bennett
A few links for you:
Here's that Super Rad 1986 Playlist I said I might make. Well, I made it.
Get all the information on Best Runner Ever and how to register here.
Be sure to send any and all questions and comments to the mailbag:
Coach Bennett’s Podcast
9220 SW Barbur Blvd STE 119, #322 Portland, Oregon 97219
Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe
be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch
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