MIT becomes the 10th program to win a Women's and Men's title. Riley Macon becomes the 3rd coach to win a title with both genders. He joins Pete Farwell of WIlliams and Dan Schwamberger of UW-Eau Claire.
We talk to Riley and Whitney Macon about MIT Women winning the 2024 D3 Women's XC Title.
They detail why their culture has been the backbone of the team.
Prior to this season, Whitney was a volunteer coach and was promoted to full time this season. She made a big impact and they explain how.
A big thanks to LEVER for supporting D3 Glory Days this month. Their treadmill attachment allows runners to stay healthy by reducing their body weight. LEVER has other recovery tools like a collapsible foam roller and recovery boots. They’re offering D3 Glory Days readers 20% when you use the code ‘GloryDays’ at checkout. Head over to to learn more! Coaches, they’re offering a bundle for your team. Contact us for more information.
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