Healthy Runner Podcast

Healthy Runner Podcast

260. Knee Pain When You Run? The Truth About Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome with Dr. Duane Scotti

260. Knee Pain When You Run? The Truth About Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome with Dr. Duane Scotti


Athletes Mentioned

[Download] The Ultimate Runner’s Knee Guide to Pain Free Running


Knee pain while running?  Here’s what you need to know about runner’s knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome.  


No running is not bad for your knees and no you don’t need to stop running with knee pain. In fact, regular running strengthens the joints and actually protects against development of knee arthritis later in life.


If you are feeling achy knee pain along the inside or front of your knee that worsens with running uphill, stairs, squatting, or sitting for a long period of time and you have tried icing, resting (stop running) and a knee brace but you’re frustrated that your pain keeps coming back whenever you try to run faster or build back those long runs again this is for you!


In today’s training, we’re uncovering the truth about Patellofemoral Pain Syndrom…what it is, why it happens, and how you can get back to running pain-free. 


I’m going to reveal the top causes and the truth about knee pain in runners and what you should really know about taking up running as an adult!


You will learn:


-What is runner’s knee

-How do you know if you have runner’s knee

-Why do runners get patellofemoral pain syndrome

-Why is runner’s knee not getting better

-3 Powerful ways to turn off knee pain while running


Return to Running Program without Knee Pain here


Follow along with my 25 Minute Strength Workout for Runners (TO RUN PAIN FREE)


Listen to my previous episode on knee pain demystified: Is it Runner Knee of IT Band Syndrome? here!


Listen to my previous episode on 5 Mistakes You’re Making to Get Rid of Your Knee Pain here!


Listen to my previous episode with Lindsay who overcame Runner’s Knee to Conquer her Half Marathon PAIN FREE here!


There are six parts of your running journey that need to be optimized so you can run strong and last long! Learn them here


Want Dr. Duane to answer your question on the podcast?  Submit questions here


Want to work with Dr. Duane as your running physical therapist and coach with structured achilles rehab, strength, nutrition, and a run plan with full support and accountability to overcome your knee pain and keep it from coming back again? Book a call and learn more about Healthy Runner coaching here 


A big thanks to Naboso for your support for this episode!


Want to know how I prioritize achilles and foot health to prevent achilles tendonitis?  Kinesis board and toe splays from Naboso!


Naboso’s product, the Kinesis board, features dual sensory stimulation, a micro-wobble system and a single-leg platform to improve my stability for running!


Click here and use code HEALTHYRUNNER for 20% off your entire Naboso order! 


Connect with Dr. Duane:

- Instagram - @sparkhealthyrunner

- Join Our Healthy Runner Facebook Community

- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

- duane@sparkhealthyrunner.com

- www.sparkhealthyrunner.com

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