Keeping Track

Alysia Montano, Molly Huddle and Roisin McGettigan are three Olympians, from 2 countries, including 2 Moms and 1 current pro coming together to talk about the inspiring figures, important topics and interesting stories in women's sports. We care about the landscape and future of our sport of Track and Field and we want to create more media coverage of women's sports in general. We'll be interviewing inspiring athletes, and discussing topics and news in the track world and beyond. Thanks for Keeping Track with us!

Brittney Reese: Decade of Long Jump Gold

Brittney Reese: Decade of Long Jump Gold

Today Alysia, Ro and I catch up then Alysia and I talk to USA Long Jump Legend Brittney Reese. She is a 7 time World Champ gold medalist , 2012 Olympic champion and 2016 silver medalist, and indoor American record holder. We talk to her about her pandemic year, training at the Olympic Training Center, life with her son, how she is giving back to the kids in her Mississippi home town and what she has planned for the future.  0-4:  Ro and Alysia catch up-juggling kids during Covid and working for yourself: saying yes to too much 5- post election emotions  10-Hour Track record 14-Intro Brittney Reese (alysia is pumping -Mom at work!)2012 gold Brittney is legendary athlete, and opening herself up more as a shy but impactful presence in the community. 17: Brittney Reese Interview Based at Oly Training center in Chula Vista-what changes w Covid: Brittneys Fam: son Alex is 13 Balancing training and him/distance learning/his sports schedule etc 21-Future plans: Just got her Masters in entrepreneurship 22- we need more meet opportunities in USA  “I don’t think we have enough meets to meet those needs for everybody outside sprinting and distance” 26: she gives back to the sport and her community In many ways- “The end goal for me is to be a track coach. I want to give back to the sport that’s allowed me to be successful .. but I also want to take that knowledge and go home (to Mississippi) and start my own track club” 30: Making the big push for these last 2 years of her career 31- wants to support her son as he gets more seriously into sports  32- what things are like right now in training 35-Being seasoned and marinated! 36- does her son ever come to practice? 37: Background on how she came to adopt him 43: doping:  robs athletes of money, exposure and when it’s good people that miss out it hurts (link her op Ed)- side note, the Rodchenkov Anti Doping Act recently passed in Senate 46: life at the Olympic Training Center  (Drug tests once a month)- what’s practice like 48: can she dunk though? WNBA plans? (Link to league pass!)we got ours! 52: On trying to put herself out there more to affect change and reach the kids, engage in community  56“I could care less about the spotlight...but now I’m trying to open up a little bit more and give back a little bit more and I know that the youth is where it starts, which is why I have camps back home, which is why I want my own track club- I invest in the youth that’s my thing, they’re who is going to carry the sport” 57: why be closed off as an athlete? Protect your zone and mental focus 

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