Keeping Track

Alysia Montano, Molly Huddle and Roisin McGettigan are three Olympians, from 2 countries, including 2 Moms and 1 current pro coming together to talk about the inspiring figures, important topics and interesting stories in women's sports. We care about the landscape and future of our sport of Track and Field and we want to create more media coverage of women's sports in general. We'll be interviewing inspiring athletes, and discussing topics and news in the track world and beyond. Thanks for Keeping Track with us!

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Sports Sociologist Dr. Holly Thorpe On Issues Within Female Endurance Sport Culture
Keeping Track
May 8th, 2020
0-9: Molly and Ro Catchup:Join Ro's Mother's Day Insta Contest @ believetrainingjournal !Buy Alysia's book Feel Good Fitness! Check out Strides Forward Podcast by Cherie Louise Turner! 10-Holly -intro as a sociologist-they “zoom out” to see interactions of socio cultural pressures, broader ideas around for example beauty femininity and success. She looks at individuals, the culture around them and broader social forces. “I put these pressures on myself” is often untrue. Like a fish can’t see water, we often have trouble seeing the forces that act on our own psyches/ realizing what we internalize -Dr. Thorpe aims to advocate more sustainable sporting culture for long term health and well being over immediate performance  “These are not just individual athlete problems, these are problems within sporting cultures “ 16-sociology is one part of a complex puzzle (in endurance sports issues) 17-Dr Stacy Simms TED talk and book 19-on using research to show this (LEA, RED-S)  isn’t a unique,  individual’s problem/weakness- it’s a larger more common issue - prevalence of non-extreme versions  toxic sports culture 24-why the LEA/RED-S is more prevalent in womens endurance sports (among a few other sports like sports with aesthetic performance)-It’s complicated 27-reinforcement of energy restrictive behavior in sport, and how hyper “in touchness” with how your body feels being integral to being an elite athlete may contribute to issues -elites persist longer with LEA than regular gym goers, though both were at risk of initial deficiency. Why? Often rewarded for it 32-resistance to changing how we think about weight’s relationship to performance “What can we achieve with healthy female athletes!?” 37- goal of changing messaging to menstruating=performance advantage. It means you’re healthy 42-reaching young demographics with this messaging-local examples and peer to peer conversations/ peer lead discussion times are helpful. Athletes who are in the midst of a recovery -those stories are powerful as well 49- Kim Smith: healthy fueling role model53-There are even digital expectations and pressures for athletes-social media etc54-Is this a first world only problem? Leaders in endurance running come from East Africa, is RED-S/LEA a problem there? If so, is it for same reasons? Different cultures exist in and across countries/socio economic status , more research needed 56-Gender and RED-S: is the prevalence due to the way girls socialize things, even food and hunger? Beauty? Etc59-katie Schofield research- Men underfueling as well due to ideas on weight and performance in mens sport. Stigma of LEA may be worse for them 62-female athletes in the media: expectations on looks. It is improving : due to more female journalists and female athletes taking media into their own hands (instagram, podcasts, etc) Resources:Healthy Women in Sport a Performance Advantage WHISPA 72- The power in the athlete’s non sporting, human side. Their own authentic voices can be very impactful (more of Dr. Thorpes research and articles are linked on our website)