Midnight Runners London Podcast

Midnight Runners London Podcast

Squirrel - Sandy Ferez

Squirrel - Sandy Ferez


Athletes Mentioned

Join JP, George and Geth, as we continue to bring you the latest from the Midnight Runners London community during lockdown.
In this episode we’re joined by guest member Sandy Ferez, who talks about the importance of adapting goals when necessary, and reveals her top tips for keeping focused on a run.

The group also reflect on the fight for equality, encouraging everyone to #choosetochallenge as we approach International Women’s Day, which takes place on Monday 8th March.
Finally, we chat about the Midnight Runners World Tour - find all the details here: https://www.midnightrunners.com/blog/midnight-runner-world-tour

And as ever, there's a fair amount of nonsense to enjoy too!

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe.

To contact us, email midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com

To find out more about Midnight Runners London and the global community visit


Editor and producer: Jessica Parry

Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry

Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Instagram: @jessicajoyce9 @geo_wats  @gethinhine @midnightrunnerslondon