Relaxed Running

The Relaxed Running podcast is a behind the scenes conversation with the best athletes, coaches and professionals in the world of distance running. From training, hydration and nutrition to racing and recovering, we learn from the best in the world. Relaxed conversations which are packed with actionable takeaways to help you take your running performance up a notch. Save yourself years of guess work and learn from the people who are doing it at the highest level.

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#182 - Dion Finocchiaro | 40km Long Runs, 180km Per-Week, Carb Loading & Hydration.
Relaxed Running
May 12th, 2023

Dion started running in 2011 as a way to improve his health to balance living an unhealthy lifestyle as a chef. Little did he know, it wouldn't take long to get hooked. By entering Fun Runs, which started from 6.7km and increased in distance as a means to challenge himself. It didn't take long to complete his first marathon in  Melbourne, 2012.

From there, Dion has gone through the recreational running scene in trail running, ultra marathons, track races and the roads to become a highly competitive athlete. Dion has trained with some of the best athletes and coaches Australia has to offer.

Dion has won multiple Australian titles and Australian records. He has represented Australia at the 100km World Championships multiple times. He has now run over 70 marathons and ultra marathons.