Relaxed Running

The Relaxed Running podcast is a behind the scenes conversation with the best athletes, coaches and professionals in the world of distance running. From training, hydration and nutrition to racing and recovering, we learn from the best in the world. Relaxed conversations which are packed with actionable takeaways to help you take your running performance up a notch. Save yourself years of guess work and learn from the people who are doing it at the highest level.

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#189 - Unpacking the Habits of Professional Runners with Matt Fitzgerald
Relaxed Running
June 29th, 2023

Matt Fitzgerald is a highly regarded running coach and accomplished author who has made a significant impact in the world of endurance sports. With his deep understanding of running and his passion for helping athletes reach their full potential, Fitzgerald has written several bestselling books, including "80/20 Running," which revolutionized training methodologies by emphasizing the balance between easy and hard workouts, and "The Endurance Diet," which explores the science behind optimal nutrition for endurance athletes. His book "How Bad Do You Want It?" delves into the power of mental resilience and the psychology of endurance sports, offering invaluable insights for athletes seeking to unlock their true potential. Fitzgerald's expertise and dedication to his craft have solidified his position as a go-to resource for runners of all levels, making him a revered figure in the running community.

In todays episode we talk about why he created his latest venture - 'Dream Run Camp' - and how athletes of all levels can learn to train like professionals by visiting the camp. To learn more about it, view the link below:

Dream Run Camp:

Falls Creek Run Experience: