Relaxed Running

The Relaxed Running podcast is a behind the scenes conversation with the best athletes, coaches and professionals in the world of distance running. From training, hydration and nutrition to racing and recovering, we learn from the best in the world. Relaxed conversations which are packed with actionable takeaways to help you take your running performance up a notch. Save yourself years of guess work and learn from the people who are doing it at the highest level.

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Improving your training with Shaun Doherty
Relaxed Running
January 19th, 2020
I sit down with a good friend of mine and a fan of the show Shaun Doherty to discuss the many ways we can improve our performance as distance runners. After suffering a clean break in his arm nearly two-years ago, Shaun has moved away from his love of the gym to invest more time into running distance.  In this episode we sit down and talk about diet, training, recovery and balancing the difficult periods of our life with the training load of marathon running.  Enjoy.