Relaxed Running

The Relaxed Running podcast is a behind the scenes conversation with the best athletes, coaches and professionals in the world of distance running. From training, hydration and nutrition to racing and recovering, we learn from the best in the world. Relaxed conversations which are packed with actionable takeaways to help you take your running performance up a notch. Save yourself years of guess work and learn from the people who are doing it at the highest level.

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Zach Bitter | 100 mile World Record Holder on Successful Endurance Training
Relaxed Running
July 19th, 2020
Zach Bitter is the 100 mile and 12 hour World Record Holder. In this episode we talk about everything that's required to successfully train and compete in ultra-endurance events. If you enjoyed this episode and would like to access the complete episode, as well as our constantly growing list of member only podcasts, access to our experts corner and training programs for all levels, you can join for $10/month at the link below: