Road Dog Podcast

Road Dog Podcast

345: Lindsey Haring & Celia Uribe Say Take a Hike

345: Lindsey Haring & Celia Uribe Say Take a Hike

1h 5m

Athletes Mentioned

“If there are kids in high school that are showing an interest, or a passion, or want to try something, we absolutely do not want literacy barriers, financial barriers to be an issue. So, we want to be able to be there to assist and make sure they get those opportunities.”

Lindsey Haring & Celia Uribe are a partner and board member of PEAK. In this episode, Lindsey and Celia chat with Luis about San Luis Obispo, best places to hike there, PEAK or Promoting Extracurricular Activities for Kids, history and mission of PEAK, how to submit your hike so money will be donated, the importance of PEAK, Peaks for PEAK fundraiser, volunteers, and The Mountain Air store.

PEAK’s mission is to enable all TK-12 students in San Luis Obispo to participate in extracurricular activities. A volunteer-run nonprofit organization, PEAK uses 100% of its proceeds to pay tuition, purchase equipment or clothing, and reimburse expenses. PEAK is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

PEAK welcomes donations of all kinds: financial, equipment, and volunteer time. Consider making a donation today!

Support Road Dog Podcast by: 
1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

Submit your hike here: https://themountainair.com

GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020 

Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

LUNA Sandals

“Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

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Lindsey Haring Contact Info:


PEAK: https://peakslo.org

Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:


Luis Instagram

Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:



Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar
