Today and over the next couple of months I've got something a bit different for you all!
Each week I am going to catch up with my brother; Ned Verwey and good friends from down here on the 'Ninch'; Kate Mason and Aaron Sim, as we all train towards the 2025 Ballarat Marathon in just under 10 weeks time.
We will catch up weekly to chat about the inevitable ups/downs and life hurdles typically encountered in a marathon build. I hope this podcast can inspire, entertain and/or influence other runners in some way. I also hope it highlights the fact that we can all come at the marathon from different angles and different approaches. That we all have similar challenges and different challenges, and that no one is perfect and that's ok! We aim to have a lot of fun:)
More about the Guests:
Aaron Sim is a 35 year old father of two, who only picked up running during COVID (2021). In the space of 3 years he has dropped his marathon time from 2:50 to 2:25:32! From 2008-2013 he travelled far and wide playing drums for an Indie band. Prior to finding running, he was an avid golfer! He's now a music teacher at Woodleigh Secondary.
Kate Mason is one of the most infectiously bubbly and positive people you will meet. Her and her partner, Ben Griffith (Griffo) with their fur baby Nala in tow, intentionally make their whole life 'not' about running. If they aren't caravanning in NZ, they are always doing something interesting be it: mountain biking, going to a gig, catching up with friends or house renos etc...Kate's an incredibly talented runner with amazing grit and endurance, coming 3rd in 2:34:08 at the Melbourne Marathon in 2024.
My brother Ned Verwey is 32 years old and lives in Anglesea and works in Prosthetics and Orthotics at Ballarat Hospital. He was a super talented junior track runner over 1500m-3,000m medaling Nationally! During University years he enjoyed himself and running fell by the way side. He then had several years plagued by injury. However, with patience, persistence and the helpful encouragement of his lovely wife Simone McInnes (also a runner) he has slowly got himself back to the strongest and fittest he has ever been. He's learnt a lot through the process and loves going out for a run everyday!
And, then there is myself; Dane, a 39 year old father of two, I have been immersed in running my whole life; as a runner, physiotherapist and coach. This will be my 19th marathon and there is certainly a deep seated motivation to turn back the clock a little, show myself that I can still do it and nail a 'dad PB'!
Listen in if you want :)