Running New Mexico Podcast

Running New Mexico Podcast

Episode 133 - Pablo Vigil; From the Mora to the Top of the Mountains

Episode 133 - Pablo Vigil; From the Mora to the Top of the Mountains

1h 8m

Athletes Mentioned

This week I had the pleasure to speak with Pablo Vigil. We talk about his humble beginnings in the Mora Valley of North New Mexico and how running helped propel him to greater things. 

He went to school at Adams State in southern Colorado, which has a long history of New Mexican runners, which we touch on. He also talked about learning from the great Coach, Dr. Joe Vigil. Pablo talks about this time and what it meant to learn from Coach Vigil.

He goes on to talk about his journey into marathon training and how he got involved with Frank Shorter's training group in Boulder. It's a fascinating story that he says changed his life.

Pablo also talks about getting into mountain running and touches on how different it was then to now. At the time, it was a great way for him to extend his running career.

We also talk about his journey into teaching and education. It was a fun conversation that I hope you enjoy and get something from. Pablo is passionate about running and really wants people to find what inspires them.

This heat has been rough. There's not much you can do, other than try and run early or late. Listen to your bodies and slow down in the heat. Stay hydrated, stay cool, and keep running, New Mexico.

Photo Credit: Alexis Berg