Sit & Kick

Sit & Kick Podcast is a podcast hosted by two professional track and field athletes. Their purpose is to "Do Track Differently" by entertaining their audience with endless banter, advice and insight. Your Hosts: Josh Kerr is the Scottish Record Holder over 1500m and the European record holder over the mile(i). Tokyo Olympic Bronze Medalist, 2023 World Champion, 3x NCAA Champion over the mile & 1500m, and currently Dave's biggest fan! David Ribich is 3x 1500m USA Finalist, DII record holder over 1000m, member of the 4xmile WR team, author of "Small School Big Dreams" & Josh's biggest fan

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Bonus Episode: Josh, David and Sixty Fan Submitted Questions.
Sit & Kick
August 8th, 2020

Did your question make the cut? Of course it did. Your hosts didn't exclude any. Even the crazy ones, the ones with a little more audacity were given a slot in the episode 

Josh and David take a step back from the regular scheduled program and instead dive deep into real conversations with each other. USADA/whereabouts, race mentality, advice for younger athletes and more are discussed in this episode. The entire episode was driven by the submission of the Sit and Kick community with the questions YOU submitted. In a unique episode, be apart of the conversation and listen for your question being answered. Like what you hear? lets do this again! 


"You are only given a baseball bat, 10 year kids in bicycle helmets swarm you, how many can you take out before you are overran?"

"Josh how did it feel to lead a race at the Big Friendly?"

"Runner who talks the most crap?"
