Sit & Kick

Sit & Kick Podcast is a podcast hosted by two professional track and field athletes. Their purpose is to "Do Track Differently" by entertaining their audience with endless banter, advice and insight. Your Hosts: Josh Kerr is the Scottish Record Holder over 1500m and the European record holder over the mile(i). Tokyo Olympic Bronze Medalist, 2023 World Champion, 3x NCAA Champion over the mile & 1500m, and currently Dave's biggest fan! David Ribich is 3x 1500m USA Finalist, DII record holder over 1000m, member of the 4xmile WR team, author of "Small School Big Dreams" & Josh's biggest fan

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Sit & Kick
August 27th, 2023

The title of this episode is all the description you need to click play and kick back. However, if you still need convincing, this episode is the most in-depth Josh Kerr has gone in his build-up to the World Championships in Budapest, where he went on to win his first world title over 1500m. If you have listened to this podcast through the years you know David and Josh operate in a candid format. The episodes are less of an interview and more of a conversation between friends. This episode just so happens to be a very candid convo about rivals in Budapest, Josh's life and diet structure leading into the championships, a year's worth of races, and more. Enjoy this episode after the biggest win of Josh's career (so far).


Episode Graphic made by the talented: Natalia Salivia

we appreciate all the messages and DMs for this episode. We believe Sit & Kick is a very young podcast and we hope to grow it for years to come. Thank you everyone! Please rate us 5 stars wherever you listen!