The Drop

The Drop

343 | CJ Albertson, Brooks Elite Marathoner

343 | CJ Albertson, Brooks Elite Marathoner

1h 2m

Athletes Mentioned

One of the most fascinating athletes in the marathon scene right now, CJ Albertson is doing it his way and succeeding at every step of the way. From racking up ultra high mileage weeks to dropping it down to almost nothing in between cycles, to juggling running and a full-time job as a professor, coach and dad, all while managing to come out with top-10 finishes at the Olympic Trials, NYC Marathon, Boston Marathon, Chicago Marathon, and CIM. And that was just in 2024. This was such a great look inside the training and accomplishments of one of the best American marathoners right now.

Follow CJ on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cjalbertson/

Check out our Brooks running reviews: https://believeintherun.com/shoe-reviews/type/road/?shoe_brand=971