The Elevate Your Running Podcast

The Elevate Your Running Podcast

EP. 165 - Can My Dog Run With Me? Essential Tips for Safe Running with Dr. RuthAnn Lobos

EP. 165 - Can My Dog Run With Me? Essential Tips for Safe Running with Dr. RuthAnn Lobos

1h 11m

Athletes Mentioned

ATTENTION DOG OWNERS - This episode is for you! 

Have you ever wondered how to incorporate running into your dog’s movement routine? How to approach different seasons and different terrains? 

Dr. RuthAnn Lobos joins the podcast this week. She discusses the proper way to add running into your dog’s running schedule, and our furry friends are just like us!

Learn about pre-run routines, recovery ideas, fueling, and the right way to introduce them to running and SO MUCH more. We also discuss the latest rehab ideas, including acupuncture! 

As a dog owner, I found this episode insightful! Share with your dog running friends and let’s keep our pace pales happy and healthy in our training! 

You can find Dr. RuthAnn Lobos on Instagram

Buy the reflective dog collar through Amazon! 

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Elevateyourrunning and sayrahrunshappy

The Elevate Coaching Team has  1:1 coaching spots open for spring and fall race season! If you love running and want to get better + faster at this sport, we’d love to have you join our team! You can find more information about our coaching packages at https://elevateyourrunning.com/virtual-coaching or email Sara at sara@elevateyourrunning.com

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review! Share your thoughts on how coaching has impacted your journey on social media using #elevateyourrunning. 

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