We have officially released 500 Episodes of The Running Effect Podcast.
This one honestly means a lot. Because I had direct control over that number. At the end of the day, I can't control how many people listen, where I sit on the charts, etc, but I can control my work and my effort. 500 is the result of a dream and journey I started almost five years ago and a consistent effort to create something meaningful.
At the end of the day it's just a number, but I know Dominic from four years ago would be really proud. 90% of podcasts quit after just twenty episodes. I knew that wouldn't be me.
We live in a society today where everyone wants the quick fix, the easy route to success, the instant gratification. But the quickest fix is the longest path.
It's never been so easy to win in all of history before. You literally have a million-dollar idea in your head. You're just scared to act, scared of what other people will think of you.
The Dominic who is writing this today is in large part a reflection of these 500 conversations. They've molded me into the person I am today, and for that, I'll be forever grateful.
If you're a former guest reading this, thank you for the impact you've had on me and for gifting me with your time and wisdom. I appreciate you more than you know.
If you're a listener, thank you for spending some time with me. I hope I provided you value and inspiration.
I'm excited at the opportunity to learn and grow further in these next 500. I promise to pour my soul into them and produce the best possible conversations for you all.
I love you guys. Thanks for changing my life through this platform.
Truly so many wonderful memories. I wouldn't change a thing. The journey is beautiful: all of it.
I mean, the world's in denial, but they all know what I'm headed for.
If this episode blesses you, please share it with a friend!
-Our Website: https://therunningeffect.run
-THE PODCAST ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClLcLIDAqmJBTHeyWJx_wFQ
-My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therunningeffect/?hl=en