The RunRX Podcast

The RunRX Podcast

How Is RunRX Different?

How Is RunRX Different?


Athletes Mentioned

RunRX's unique practice approach to running form might feel like "too much" for some runners. But could it transform your running efficiency and prevent injuries? Tune in and find out!

Timestamps of big takeaways

[00:22] What Makes RunRX Different?

Most runners have never actually worked on their running technique. While you might be familiar with stretches and strength exercises, at RunRX we focus on transforming how you actually run.

[02:41] Just 5-Minutes? YES!

Each practice segment is just 5 minutes or less. Everything can be done inside your house - no running required for practice. It's about quality, focused time rather than lengthy sessions.

[04:32] Understanding the Running Pose

Just like yoga has specific poses, we teach you the running pose. Through your initial gait analysis, we show you your current running form and help make it more efficient.

[05:15] Practice Your New Form

We recommend taking your new running form out for 10-30 minute practice sessions. Run a little, stop and reset, do drills.

[06:04] Real Success Story

We share an inspiring story about a collegiate athlete who previously broke her leg from running. Learn what one hour of practice with our technique did for her.

[09:34] Breaking the Disconnect

Many runners are disconnected from their movement, relying heavily on music, watches, and gadgets. At RunRX, we teach you to reconnect with your body's natural running blueprint.

[10:11] Running vs Gym Training

You wouldn't start heavy deadlifts without proper instruction, so why do that with running? There’s proper form instruction in running — just like any other athletic movement.

[11:23] The Reality of Recreational Running

A recent study showed that while elite marathoners are getting faster, recreational runners aren't improving. Why? Most recreational runners aren't receiving proper running instruction or doing targeted drills.

[12:12] Join Our Community

Tune in here to learn about our flexible membership options and how you can get started with RunRX.

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Links to check out

-- https://www.runrx.fit/

-- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDPcF8ZrDdILC8bYyn2zR-4xvqKRzp2re

-- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runrxfit/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runrx/

-- Have questions? Email us at support@runrx.fit

-- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RunRX