The RunRX Podcast

Words Matter
Athletes Mentioned
Can the words you use and think while running can dramatically transform your technique and prevent injuries? Spoiler alert - YES! Tune in and learn more!
Timestamps of big takeaways
[00:22] The Return of Shin Splints
We dive into a story about a long-time member who encountered shin splints, leading to some eye-opening revelations about running form and technique.
[01:16] Words Create Intent
Coach Valerie shares her experience learning from Dr. Romanov, creator of The Pose Method.
She shares why the language we use while running actually shapes our movement patterns.
[02:46] The Problem with "Reaching"
Trying to "reach" forward while running - a common mistake we see in magazine photos - can lead to injury and inefficient form.
[04:00] Understanding Your Running "Job"
The single most important job you have while running is pulling your foot up from the ground. This simple focus can revolutionize your running technique.
[04:32] Rethinking "Strides"
Adding "strides" to your training might be causing more harm than good.
[05:35] The Impact of Speed Work
Traditional speed work can increase ground reaction force and lead to injuries in your shins, knees, hips, and lower back. There’s a better approach to running faster.
[08:03] The Mental Model of Running
Coach Caroline breaks down the fascinating connection between your thoughts, feelings, and actions while running, revealing how your mental approach directly affects your physical results.
[11:00] The Simplicity of POSE-Fall-Pull
Running technique doesn't have to be complicated. Three simple elements - pose, fall, and pull - can transform your running when applied correctly.
[13:27] The Power of Positive Running Words
Tune in here for a practical exercise in how changing your running vocabulary from words like "land" and "push" to "light" and "pull" can immediately impact your running experience.
[14:24] Beyond the Data
Most runners get caught up thinking about pace and distance instead of focusing on the quality of their movement. Shifting this mindset can transform your running experience.
[16:04] Success Stories
We close things out with inspiring stories from our community members who've transformed their running through proper technique, including one runner who went from injury to winning her age group in a 5K.
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