The Strength Running Podcast

The Strength Running Podcast

Warm-ups vs. Cool-downs, Strides vs. Sprints, & More (Coaching Q&A with Elisabeth Scott)

Warm-ups vs. Cool-downs, Strides vs. Sprints, & More (Coaching Q&A with Elisabeth Scott)

1h 6m

Athletes Mentioned

Coach Elisabeth Scott hosts the enormously popular Running Explained podcast and joins us today to answer your running questions!

We’ll be answering questions about warmups and cool-downs, strides, tempo workouts, core routines, how to taper effectively, and when to schedule strength training.

Want to get your questions answered by Jason during our live Coaching Call? Join Team Strength Running!

Thank you Gut & Green!

Previnex’s new Gut & Green Superfoods powder is my new go-to. It has organic barley and oat grass, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella, kale and broccoli… and that’s it. Their ingredients are backed by clinical data and contain three specific gut fibers that help promote GI health, digestion, reduced inflammation, and a better microbiome.

And, best of all, it actually tastes good. Try it for yourself here at previnex.com and be sure to use code “JASONGREENS” to save 15% off your first order. Don’t tell anyone, but if you put Gut & Green Superfoods powder in your cart, then the 15% off discount will work for anything else you add into your cart as well. Thanks Gut & Green!

Thank you MOBO Board!

Invented by renowned physical therapist Jay Dicharry, MOBO helps you stabilize your stance with an innovative rocker board that’s set up on two fins. The design effectively forces you to drive your big toe into the board to improve your stability. I was pretty arrogant going into my first session on the MOBO Board. How hard can it be to balance, right? Well, I was humbled pretty quickly!

Even if you’re a good runner, better balance, stability, and proprioception is going to help you have a more powerful stride and prevent more running injuries. You’ll learn how to improve the efficiency of the kinetic chain from your hip to your big toe. Because as Jay likes to say, it’s not just how strong you are, but how well you use that strength.

I was recently at a weekend physical therapy workshop (lol I was the only running coach) and learned how important (and rare) this simple movement is. Save 10% with code STRENGTHRUN10 at checkout at moboboard.com.