HARDEST Training Day of the Week - Training for a 2:30 Marathon
Repetition, Consistency, Showing Up, Progress. We're in it.
If you'd like to support the channel & what I do here, you can check out https://bpnsupps.com/ and use the code "floberg" to get 10% off your purchase.
You can watch the whole McKirdy 2:30 series here: https://bit.ly/3Q95CYc
My Strava: https://bit.ly/3e7BVY4
My Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rti7Sj
I've been obsessed with training in the Coros system. Get a free watch band with your Coros Pace 3 or Pace Pro purchase with code "floberg" - https://glnk.io/kopjr/floberg-runs
All of my videos are color graded with my 606 LUT Collection: https://gamut.io/product/606/
Shoutout to Cyrus Hannah for filming this video: https://www.instagram.com/_cyrushannah/
My personal photo/filmmaking channel: https://www.youtube.com/ericfloberg
Handheld Soft Flask: https://geni.us/14ozSoftFlask
Current favorite racing shoe: https://geni.us/racingshoe2022
My current daily training shoe: https://geni.us/dailytrainer2024
Favorite energy gel for fueling during long runs & races:
My current go-to electrolytes:
Go-To Running Hat: https://geni.us/gotorunninghat
My Balance Disc for ankle strengthening: https://geni.us/balancedisc
Non-Chafe Stick I use before long-runs & races: https://geni.us/bodyglidechafe
My go-to action camera while training: https://geni.us/latestgopro
Camera used to film this video: https://geni.us/mynewcinemacamera
**Some of the above are paid Amazon links that will direct you to my associate account through Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.**
#trainwithcoros @COROSGlobal
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Take your films to the next level with music from Musicbed. Sign up for a free account to listen for yourself: https://fm.pxf.io/c/3534524/1347628/16252