
How Much Prize Money I Won as A Pro Runner in 2024

Allie Ostrander3 months ago
Check out COROS for super accurate data. I use the COROS Pace Pro and arm HR monitor: https://glnk.io/4x8j9/allie-ostrander In this video I got through every race I ran this year, how competitive it was, how much prize money I won, and if any of the travel & accommodations were covered. I also talk about contracts in professional running, and how pro runners make money. I hope you enjoy! #AllieOstrander #PrizeMoney #HowMuchIMadeIn2024 Our new PODCAST! https://open.spotify.com/show/7bHea98O7f25FiTVSP5AEn?si=708303c1dc1d44a7 MY COFFEE!! https://thetworoosters.square.site/?shipping=true&item=29 Try LMNT electrolytes: https://www.drinkLMNT.com/allie for a free sample pack. Transparent Labs Products: use code ALLIE for 10% off! https://athlete.transparentlabs.com/allie13 Check out Shokz headphones: https://sdqk.shokz.com/Allie/voXXrc35?utm_content=link Chirp Rollers: 10% off with code OSTRANDER https://get.aspr.app/SHH9R My action camera: Insta360 X3 (11% off with link) https://www.insta360.com/sal/x3?insrc=INROKIN I use the COROS APEX 2 Pro and arm HR monitor. Try COROS: https://glnk.io/4x8j9/allie-ostrander My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allie_ostrander 00:00-01:19 how pro runners make money 01:19-02:02 prize money 02:02-03:11 cross country season 03:11-05:47 track season 05:47-08:27 trail season 08:27-09:25 grand total of all the prize money I won 09:25-10:12 travel expenses & outro