Now if you’re a regular viewer of the channel, you’ll know that we test dozens – if not 100s – of shoes every year. So if a shoe finds its way into a our running shoe rotation – as a shoe that we reach for when we’re not testing – there’s a good chance it’s a pretty special shoe. So which are the best running shoes that currently fit that bill? In this video, we’ve each picked the trusted shoes that we’re turning to right now to cover all our training and racing. We’ll tell you why we love them and how they suit the running we’re doing right now. All in the hope that you might find some helpful shoe recommendations that’ll also match your own running needs. So here’s the best running shoes that made the Run Testers’ rotations right now.
0:00 – Intro
0:41 – Tom’s rotation
4:48 – Nick’s rotation
10:19 – Kieran’s rotation
15:50 – Mike’s rotation
20:49 – Now watch this: Best marathon race shoes
Check out our website:
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Best carbon plate running shoes of 2024: