Miles With Marty Podcast
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Davy.... Davy Crockett. He is an accomplished ultra runner with over 100 - 100 mile finishes, and quite the ultra-running historian. He's also an author of many ultra running history books, race director, and podcaster. If you're a fan of the sport, you probably already know of him, if you're knew, give him a follow. You will learn a lot about the history of ultra running. He's also over the Ultra Running Hall of Fame, keeps a running (pun inserted) list of the 100 club. (people with 100 or more 100 mile finishes)
I could talk for hours about just the history of the sport, but Davy has an interesting running story himself and the way he got started. I love these stories. Hope you enjoy and give him a follow on his podcast.
Daufuskie Island 100/50/RELAY - March 29, 2025
The Bootlegger 100 Mile Trail Race - April 5, 2025
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
Mount to Coast | For runners who transcend distance.
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com

When I reached out to Kendra Wilson, aka Kendra Renee from BUA fame, I expected a bunch of laughs, but we actually had a mostly serious conversation. She has been through hell with different illnesses and battled her way into wellness and becoming a badass ultra runner. Check out her awesome story!
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
Mount to Coast | For runners who transcend distance.
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
Pacer Travel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com
Eye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...
Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

Aden St. Charles is a name that I have heard in the southeastern ultra-running circles ever since I have been in the sport. She is as strong of an ultrarunner as you will ever meet, also humble and kind. Always volunteering when she's not running. Hailing from the beautiful city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, she has access to some beautiful trails and has run many races all over the country and placed high in most with quite a few wins. She's got lots of great stories with good lessons and loves to share them. She's also a coach. Of course I love to talk period, so this is a long one. Enjoy!
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
Mount to Coast | For runners who transcend distance.
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com
Stephen's Legacy - Bigger Than, Inc.

Julian Long is a husband, a father, and a humble and kind guy who happens to be a legit strong ultrarunner. I got the chance to sit down and hear his story. In a short time. he went from being a hiker to a course record holder and multi time ultra winner. He's such a treat to get to know and just scratching the surface in his long distance game. He will be a force to reckon with for many years to come!
Also don't miss the link below for Amber's Bigger Than the Trail fundraiser for Southern States 200. Stephen's Legacy.
Stephen's Legacy - Bigger Than, Inc.
Mount to Coast | For runners who transcend distance.
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
code - lubeyourfriends
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
code MartyG20
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com

Episode 136 is a roundtable discussion recapping and previewing races and discussing current events in ultrarunning. She's a big fan of the sport, very knowledgeable, a certified coach, and an accomplished ultrarunner. We hope to do this on a regular basis so send us your epic race accomplishments to shout out, or favorite races to preview. I'm sorry to say some of the races we previewed have already happened. Hopefully next time will be a little more in advance. Send me your feedback on what you would like to hear about on the roundtable.
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
code - lubeyourfriends
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
code - MartyG20
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com

I got the opportunity to crew Pam Reed for the 2024 Daytona 100. Most folks know I enjoy helping others do epic things as much as doing it myself. For Pam, this was 100 miler (or longer) finish 120, I believe, maybe 121. She now has 122. It was a sight to behold. At 63 years old, she made 22 hours and change look fairly easy. The big lesson I learned is minimal stop time. Because this was a point to point race with minimal aid stations, crew meetups were fairly often. Probably close to 25 times in 100 miles. And in one stop, she changed all of her clothes as well as shoes and socks. I still bet her stop time was way less than an hour. Incredible. She has so many accomplishments, we could do 5 episodes and not cover them all. Many Badwater finishes with an overall win mixed in, Western States, Hardrock, Moad 240, Cocodona 250, on and on. Enjoy.
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief code = MartyG20
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
code = lubeyourfriends
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com

In this episode, I take a few minutes to discuss the good, bad, and ugly from my recent survival at Long Haul 100. Then I jump into a very interesting interview with Doug Rosenberg of Mount to Coast shoe company. Mount to Coast came on the ultra-running scene last Spring with 2 models of road shoes, a racer and a trainer. They've since introduced a third model and have a trail shoe in the works. They have new technology in the foam and stability system that makes it a very durable, lightweight, and comfortable running shoe designed to go beyond the normal distance of competitive brands. Mount to Coast came highly recommended by a few friends and guests of the show and it's still early for me. but I really like them. Check out the interview and give them a try if you're interested. Doug also discusses a 100k race series they are sponsoring so check it out!
Mount to Coast | For runners who transcend distance.
Store Locator – Mount to Coast
The Bootlegger 100 Mile Trail Race - April 5, 2025
Daufuskie Island 100/50/RELAY - March 29, 2025
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
discount code = lubeyourfriends
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
discount code = MartyG20

I had the opportunity to join Pacer Travel's own Jeff Iosa, OG FUR podcaster and Skunk Ape Events founder Joe Fuller, and beloved RD (or should I say co-RD, because we all know who the boss is) of Long Haul himself, Andy Mathews. We talk trivia, predictions, weather, mud and lack of it, pristine courses, etc. Andy gives course breakdown and updates with exact mileage to aid stations, etc. Please note, this is the audio version of the YouTube video. It has been edited a little but I had no control over the settings. For bonus content and some very handsome guests, see the video in the link provided. See you at Long Haul!
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com
Long Haul 2025 Preview

Nels Matson was born with a heart defect basically starving one side for oxygen. So basically, his first few years were like training at altitude. His own Leadville childhood. At the age of 3 he had open heart surgery and at 5 was released to play sports. He has never looked back, and most certainly has not taken his gifts for granted. He has used his gift of stamina to make a difference in the world and has done so with several causes. His most recent was a Transcon from San Francisco to New York City to raise funds and awareness for The Wounded Warrior Foundation as a part of Project Campbell's Call. I'll let him tell you the rest. Enjoy
Project Campbell's Call to Action - Fundraising For Wounded Warrior Project Community Fundraising
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
New discount code = lubeyourfriends
PlayOn Pain Relief l Nature’s Hot & Cold Therapy – PlayOn Relief
@pacertravel - 727-433-2385 - pathcrx@aol.com

2024 was an epic year in running for many people. It was not my best year, with some injuries and a few DNF's, but I gained a bunch of new friends and some wisdom, son we'll call it a good year. I reached out for your help and got some input, and my good friend Jeff Iosa with Pacer Travel sat down for a long chat trying to name some of our own winners in categories such as most inspirational guest from this year, favorite episodes, biggest accomplishments, ultra runner of the year. We went international and local. We also get sidetracked a few times discussing training, life, etc. Hope you enjoy. If we left something out, let me know.
@pacertravel - pathcrx@aol,com - 727-433-2385
Squirrel's Nut Butter: Natural Anti-Chafe & Skin Restoring Salves
Home - PlayOn Relief