Run Canada Podcast

Run Canada Podcast

Latest Episodes

EP 222. Relisten with Valerie Jerome & Melanie Murzeau

As we are nearing our fifth anniversary episode, I love looking back to some of the past episodes we have had that longtime listeners may have forgotten about or that new listeners haven't heard. This episode is a real gem: I got to spend time with my best bud Melanie Murzeau AND meet the legendary Valerie Jerome. 

Recorded in 2021, Valerie shares stories from her life in running. From the incredible things that she and her brother Harry achieved on the track to all of the adversity and racism they encountered off it, her candid answers and willingness to share the good and the bad was truly moving. 

Valerie talks a lot in the episode about how she had been working since the 90s to get her manuscript published, and as you know, that book FINALLY became a reality in 2023. You can buy a copy for yourself through this Canadian retailer: https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/races-the-trials-and-triumphs-of-canadas-fastest-family/9781773102900.html 

I am also giving away a copy with the prize package for our fifth anniversary episode: check out @runcanadapodcast for more information. 



EPISODE SPONSOR: Canada Running Series

Canada may be locked in the deep freeze right now, but you can keep your running on target by registering for the Beneva Spring Run-Off, either in person at Toronto's stunning High Park on April 5, 2025, or virtually wherever you are. 

Participants can choose from the 8K, 5K, or Kids Race distances. All in-person runners will receive a souvenir apparel item and a finisher medal featuring designs inspired by High Park's beauty. 

Don’t wait to register – this season's kickoff always goes fast. Go to www.canadarunningseries.com  for more info and to register. 


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes58m
EP 221. Sabrina Young

If you are an active community runner in the GTA, there's a good change you have met or at least crossed paths with Sabrina Young. A long-time runner, Sabrina began her journey with the Longboat Roadrunners Club, focusing on improving her times to earn a spot on the Boston Marathon start line. As life evolved and her two children entered the picture, Sabrina's relationship with running, along with her goals and values, has shifted. In this conversation, we explore these changes in her journey, as well as her insights from working in the industry in her marketing and writing role at iRun Magazine. We dive into how the running boom has transformed what runners seek from their connection to the sport and how it has helped to make the running community more inclusive. 


Follow some of Sabrina's adventures @irunnation

We talk for a WHILE about the Canada Fitness Test/Awards. For those who are too young or for those who want a dip down memory lane, check out https://nevermindgenx.substack.com/p/the-last-great-thing-this-country



EPISODE SPONSOR: Canada Running Series

Canada may be locked in the deep freeze right now, but you can keep your running on target by registering for the Beneva Spring Run-Off, either in person at Toronto's stunning High Park on April 5, 2025, or virtually wherever you are. 

Participants can choose from the 8K, 5K, or Kids Race distances. All in-person runners will receive a souvenir apparel item and a finisher medal featuring designs inspired by High Park's beauty. 

Don’t wait to register – this season's kickoff always goes fast. Go to www.canadarunningseries.com  for more info and to register. 


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes38m
EP 220. Live from TCS Toronto Waterfront Stage - Women's Training Group Wrap Party

If you are looking to fall in love with running all over again, this is the episode for you. Live from the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon Speaker Stage; it's the wrap party that was as filled with laughter and tears as a good rom com.

After identifying the need to find ways to support and encourage more women to run the marathon, Canada Running Series created the 2024 Women's Training Group. Hundreds of registrants used online resources and chat forums to work together toward the start line. The day before the big race, some of the participants got together for a shakeout run supported by ASICS and then shared some of their thoughts and discoveries around the speaker stage. 

I was again joined by Heather Garner, founder of Kardia, and two program participants (and now MARATHONERS!) Joan Broto and Mandy Mundell. In re-listening, I remembered how meaningful the experience was and how easily we could connect with total strangers because of our mutual love of running. I dare you not to laugh, cry, and totally relate to this conversation (you must supply your own Kleenex). 

Watch @towaterfront42K to see what they will be up to for the 2025 race!

Again, thank you to @asicscanada for supporting the program and the wrap party. You made it extra special. 




EPISODE SPONSOR: Canada Running Series

Canada may be locked in the deep freeze right now, but you can keep your running on target by registering for the Beneva Spring Run-Off, either in person at Toronto's stunning High Park on April 5, 2025, or virtually wherever you are. 

Participants can choose from the 8K, 5K, or Kids Race distances. All in-person runners will receive a souvenir apparel item and a finisher medal featuring designs inspired by the beauty of High Park. 

 Don’t wait to register – this season's kickoff always goes fast. Go to www.canadarunningseries.com  for more info and to register. 


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes33m
EP 219. Ania Z.

EP 219. Ania Z.

What do you get when you pair a dedicated fitness professional and run coach with the challenge of leading a group of runners in a 640 KM, three-day relay race? You get drive, dedication and the satisfaction of reaching a truly impressive goal as a team. Ania Z. approaches training for herself and her clients holistically, putting together over a decade of learning, certification and experience to help others reach their goals. Ania tells us about participating twice in Run to Montreal, an ultra relay race that starts in Nathan Philips Square in Toronto and finishes on Mount Royal in Montreal. It supports some incredible charities and creates a unique experience for participants. There were highs and lows, but both finish lines came with great accomplishment and camaraderie with teammates. 

Follow Ania @fierce_flames or at www.fiercefeminineathletics.com

Find Run to Montreal @runtomtl or at www.runtomtl.com



EPISODE SPONSOR: Move Your Paws for the Polar Bear Cause, February 22, 2025


On Saturday, February 22, join the cause at the Toronto Zoo and move your paws to help one of the world’s most vulnerable species – polar bears! 2025 marks the 11th edition of Move Your Paws. There will be 5K and 1K distance options open to runners, walkers and wheelers of all ages and abilities. Bundle up and bring the whole family for a day of outdoor fun, fitness and fundraising! 

Visit www.canadarunningseries.com to register now!


Theme Music: Joseph McDade



Show notes44m
EP 218. Live from the TCS Toronto Waterfront Stage: Running into Romance

Live from the 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon speaker stage and moderated by Kardia founder and run club veteran Heather Gardner, this session addressed the current hot topic: Is running the new dating app? As one of the event's most talked-about and highly anticipated panels, Heather led a fantastic panel of speakers, each offering unique perspectives.

Keri Wong, a long-time runner and run club member, shared her experience navigating the world of run clubs as a single woman. Sam Montgomery, a member of the executive committee for Frontrunners Toronto and their social media manager, provided valuable insights on communication and expectations. Elan Bibas and Rory Duffy, co-founders of the Get Lost Run Club in Toronto, discussed how they’ve created a fun, inclusive atmosphere for all kinds of social running events, including run-dating experiences. They also highlighted their efforts to ensure safety and positive vibes at every event.

Follow Heather @catchingheather and @kardiaathletica

Follow Keri @bitesandstrides

Follow Sam @samcmontgomery and @frontrunnerstoronto

Follow Elan @elan.bibas

Follow Rory @rory_duffy and @getlost.runners



EPISODE SPONSOR: Move Your Paws for the Polar Bear Cause, February 22, 2025

On Saturday, February 22, join the cause at the Toronto Zoo and move your paws to help one of the world’s most vulnerable species – polar bears! 2025 marks the 11th edition of Move Your Paws. There will be 5K and 1K distance options open to runners, walkers and wheelers of all ages and abilities. Bundle up and bring the whole family for a day of outdoor fun, fitness and fundraising! 

Visit www.canadarunningseries.com to register now!


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes39m
EP 217. Tim Coombs

EP 217. Tim Coombs

Let's draw some January inspiration from a local runner who is well-known in the Winnipeg running community - Tim Coombs. Tim took a challenging personal experience and turned it into a positive movement for himself and for the entire Manitoba running community.

At the end of 2023, Tim faced a heavy personal struggle. He could have chosen to remain in that difficult space, but instead, he set two resolutions that have had a profound impact on his life. First, Tim took on a January run streak challenge, which turned into a streak that’s still going strong today. Second, he committed to running with as many different run clubs across the province as possible. Along the way, he made new friends, reconnected with old ones, and inspired others to join him. Tim is kind and generous with a smile for everyone he meets. I hope his New Year's resolutions might spark a positive change in you too. 

Follow Tim on Instagram @running_tim8oes



EPISODE SPONSOR: Move Your Paws for the Polar Bear Cause, February 22, 2025

On Saturday, February 22, join the cause at the Toronto Zoo and move your paws to help one of the world’s most vulnerable species – polar bears! 2025 marks the 11th edition of Move Your Paws. There will be 5K and 1K distance options open to runners, walkers and wheelers of all ages and abilities. Bundle up and bring the whole family for a day of outdoor fun, fitness and fundraising! 

Visit www.canadarunningseries.com to register now!


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes29m
EP 216. Molly Hurford

EP 216. Molly Hurford

Molly Hurford has been writing basically since she could hold a pen. As an adult, she has paired her passion for sports and the outdoors with being a professional author who has written for various publications and published several books. She also supports cycle athletes as a mentor and podcaster at The Consummate Athlete with her partner, Peter Glassford. If that wasn't all enough, she has her own publishing company, Strong Girl Publishing, which shares the work of outstanding female athletes (recently Micha Powell!). Molly also writes the series Shred Girls, which helps encourage young girls to find their place in sport. Her whole work ethos is centred on women supporting women and creating role models for girls. We need more Molly Hurfords in our world.

Follow The Consummate Athlete @consummateathlete

Follow Molly @mollyjhurford

Follow Strong Girl Publishing @stronggirlpublishing

Find all of Strong Girl Publishing's books wherever you buy books or at https://stronggirlpublishing.com/ 



EPISODE SPONSOR: Move Your Paws for the Polar Bear Cause, February 22, 2025

On Saturday, February 22, join the cause at the Toronto Zoo, and move your paws to help one of the world’s most vulnerable species – polar bears! 2025 marks the 11th edition of Move Your Paws. There will be 5K and 1K distance options open to runners, walkers and wheelers of all ages and abilities. Bundle up and bring the whole family for a day of outdoor fun, fitness and fundraising! 

Visit www.canadarunningseries.com to register now!


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes39m
EP 215. Ryan Chilibeck

EP 215. Ryan Chilibeck

Ryan Chilibeck loves the run community, from elite athletes to first-timers. He is passionate about bringing everyone together and showing them what an amazing team sport running can be. Ryan founded East Van Run Crew, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2024. Coming from a long history of loving both team sports and being outside in the ocean and the mountains, Ryan doesn't just participate on the roads and trails; he has built his career around it. Many of you west coasters have probably seen him hard at work at one of CRS West's events, still others know him as the person who brought together the Women's Marathon Group at this year's TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon. We discuss that experience and how raising two girls challenged his views of raising active kids. Make sure you have a beverage because at the end of the episode we play a game of Never Have I Ever, and you can play too. 

Follow East Van Run Crew @eastvanruncrew

Follow Ryan @ryanmeatysauce




Time is running out to lock in the best price for the 2025 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon. Whether you're gearing up for the 5K, Half Marathon, or Marathon, this is your moment to lock in your commitment before prices go up on Tuesday, December 3, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Visit www.canadarunningseries.com  for details and to register now.


Theme Song: Joseph McDade


Show notes55m
EP 214. Aristotle Domingo

EP 214. Aristotle Domingo

Aristotle Domingo started life as an active kid, but his life took a dramatic turn in his twenties when he fell into a three-month-long coma and spent a year in the hospital battling sepsis and its life-altering aftermath. After a series of severe bone infections, he ultimately became a double below-knee amputee. 

His adaptability, positivity and relentless drive to embrace new challenges turned that chapter of his life into an opportunity for growth and new experiences. Today, he is a multi-sport athlete, focusing on blade road running and competes in the para wheelchair division of men's shot put in Track and Field. Recognizing the need for support in the amputee community, Aristotle founded the Amputee Coalition of Toronto, where he continues to educate and empower both people experiencing limb loss and the broader sports community on how to better support adaptive athletes. 

Follow Aristotle @ampu_TO

Amputee Coalition of Toronto https://www.facebook.com/amputeecoalitionTO/ 

The AmpuTO Show Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-amputo-show/id1522957731 



EPISODE SPONSOR: Canada Running Series

The 2024 race season may have officially closed for Canada Running Series, but now is the perfect time to set your sights on new goals for 2025. The best part? Registration is already open for most of these events! Secure your early bird pricing and get motivated towards your next goal.

For more information and to register visit https://canadarunningseries.com/


Theme music: Joseph McDade

Show notes49m
EP 213. Celebrating Kickback Foundation and Fast & Female

Today we are celebrating two Canadian charities that are working diligently to support Canadian youth in becoming and staying active in sport.

The Kickback Foundation's Kickback Run Club brings together community families for 20 weeks over the summer in both Scarborough and downtown Toronto. The program  provides relatable role models for youth and meaningful connections for mentors. In addition to the community runs, Kickback brings program participants to the next level by bringing them to the start line of races that they likely never would have seen without it.

Fast and Female’s goal is to empower girls through sport, physical activity and education. Through programming and step up opportunities, participants are provided with R.E.A.L. role models. As they progress through the program, they are encouraged to become role models for the participants that come after them. Leadership is built into every step to build a strong, active future for all of them.

If you are in a position to support these organizations, you can find them here:

Kickback Foundation @kickbackfoundation



Fast & Female @fastandfemale




EPISODE SPONSOR: The party that was the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon this year was incredible - 30,000 runners over three events with Canada's official largest marathon all in the books. You can make sure you don't miss your chance to join in on the fun for 2025: registration is now open for the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon and many other of CRS's iconic events. Visit www.canadarunningseries.com and plan YOUR next big start line. 


Theme Music: Joseph McDade

Show notes40m