Stryd Power Podcast

Stryd Power Podcast

Latest Episodes

Stryd Ambassador Monica Shares a Training Update!

Stryd Ambassador Monica joined us on the Stryd Power Podcast to share a training update! Tune in to hear all about how her training has been going and what races she has up next on her calendar!

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Kenneth's Training Update!

We check in with Stryd Ambassador Kenneth during his last week of training for the Copenhagen Marathon!

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How Ron Ran Boston 2022!

Long time Stryd user Ron Romano joined us on the Stryd Power Podcast to go over his 10th Boston Marathon!

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How Alex Set a 26 Minute Marathon PR

Stryder Alex set a 26 Minute Marathon PR over the span of two years at the 2022 Houston Marathon. Listen to her training journey and helpful race day tips she has upon reflecting on her fantastic improvement!

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Ian's Training Update | STRYD Ambassador

Ian shares his experience training with power and explains how Stryd not only helps him spice up his running routine, but also helps him better quantify his running performances.

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Bela's Training Journey | STRYD Ambassador

While only a few weeks into her 10K training plan, Bela shares how Stryd has not only added purpose to her running but has kept her out of training trouble to stay injury free!

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How To Set A Sixteen Minute Half Marathon Personal Best!

Stryder Lorri shares with us how she recently set a 16 minute personal best in the half marathon, winning her age group in the process with the help of Stryd!

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STRYD Analysis of a 2:39 Marathon

Coach Steve Palladino joins Evan Schwartz from Stryd to review training and racing data for 2:39 Marathoner Nicole Lane.

You can find more info about the Palladino Power Project here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PalladinoPowerProject/files

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Meet John Trainor, CTO of Wahoo + STRYD and Wahoo ELEMT RIVAL launch!

We recorded a podcast episode with John Trainor, the CTO at Wahoo, to discuss this new integration and how he uses Stryd with his Wahoo ELEMNT Rival. This episode is a great way to discover the incredible benefits of this integration!

The running power revolution is taking a big step forward today thanks to a new integration between Stryd and Wahoo!

Wahoo ELEMNT RIVAL now provides one of the best running with power experiences with full native Stryd compatibility.

Here is why this integration is noteworthy & among the best integrations available:

  • Full Stryd metric support
  • Execute power-based structured workouts on the Wahoo ELEMNT RIVAL watch
  • Import power-based workouts from TrainingPeaks to your Wahoo ELEMNT RIVAL watch
  • Customizable data screens
  • Automatic data syncing to the Stryd ecosystem
  • Syncing of Stryd's Critical Power directly to the watch
  • Power zone support
  • Complete support for Stryd’s pace & distance metrics
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