Fu#k Talent Podcast with Sean Fontana

Fu#k Talent Podcast with Sean Fontana

Dealing with Failure

Dealing with Failure


Athletes Mentioned

Failure is tough. Failure is the one thing that most human beings fear and shy away from, however, it’s also the thing we need to push us to success.

We have all experienced failure at some point in our lives, it’s part of life just like the air we breathe.

You may be going through failure at the moment, you may have experienced failure recently like I have and will go through it again at some point.

It’s in how we manage our setbacks that help us come back stronger or weaker. Ready to get back to the grind or ready to throw in the towel.

In this podcast I want to give you some insight from my own experience of dealing with failure and also, what I’ve learned from studying other top athletes out there.

I hope you enjoy this one.

You can follow my journey on social media -

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/sean.fontana/?hl=en

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/FontanaFitPersonalTraining/

Website- https://fontanafit.co.uk/