Fu#k Talent Podcast with Sean Fontana

Fu#k Talent Podcast with Sean Fontana

The Struggles of Getting to Race Weight as an Athlete

The Struggles of Getting to Race Weight as an Athlete


Athletes Mentioned

This podcast is an honest insight into the struggles and sleepless nights of hunger for an endurance athlete trying to get back to race weight.

I was absolutely gutted with the numbers I saw on the weighing scales when I stood on them after not weighing myself for months. I thought I looked the same but clearly the pizza & justified dessert here and there was making those kilograms sneakily pile on.

I genuinely felt I didn’t look any different at 79.4kg than I looked at 75kg but I did certainly feel heavier when I was running, which led me to stepping on the scales. I know the diet has been tough but I’m glad I am now getting my weight back to a better place and the running is also feeling a little easier too. Hopefully, this can translate into my racing performances too🙏🏃‍♂️