Fu#k Talent Podcast with Sean Fontana

Fu#k Talent Podcast with Sean Fontana

The Sean Fontana Podcast Q&A - Talking All Things Running

The Sean Fontana Podcast Q&A - Talking All Things Running


Athletes Mentioned

In today's podcast we take a different approach. Today I answer a good few questions from the listeners of the podcast.

These range from what is my weekly mileage to how to train for a 10km race.

I hope you find this beneficial and insightful to use towards your own training.

✘ I N S T A G R A M: @sean.fontana

✘ W E B S I T E: https://fontanafit.co.uk

✘ F A C E B O O K: facebook.com/FontanaFitPersonalTraining

📩 C O N T A C T (business inquiries): sean@fontanafit.co.uk

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